

While this library is not available yet on pypi, you can easily install it from Github with

pip install git+https://github.com/graphext/lector

The project depends on cchardet for encoding detection, clevercsv for advanced dialect detection, pyarrow for CSV parsing and type inference/conversion, as well as rich and typer for pretty output and the command-line interface.


The below examples illustrate lector’s default behaviour when reading CSV files. For customization options, check the CSV Reader and Types sections as well as the API reference.

Let’s assume we receive the following CSV file, containing some initial metadata, using the semicolon as separator, having some missing fields, and being encoded in Latin-1:

csv = """
Some metadata
Some more metadata
;b;0.12;;"Natural language text is different from categorical data."
18446744073709551615;a;3.14;3;"The Project · Gutenberg » EBook « of Die Fürstin."

with open("example.csv", "wb") as fp:

The recommended way to use lector for reading this CSV (without type-inference) would be

import lector

tbl = lector.read_csv("example.csv", types="string", log=True)

which produces something like the following output:

'Fieldless' matches CSV buffer: detected 3 rows to skip.

─────────── CSV Format ────────────
    'encoding': 'ISO-8859-1',
    'preamble': 3,
    'dialect': Dialect(

The log provides some feedback about proporties of the CSV that lector has detected automatically, namely:

  • It has found a preamble pattern named Fieldless that matches the beginning of the CSV file and indicates that the first 3 rows should be skipped (lector has an extensible list of such patterns which are tried in order until a match is found)

  • It has detected the encoding correctly as ISO-8859-1 (this cannot be guaranteed in all cases, but the CSV will be read always with a fallback encoding, usually utf-8, and characters that cannot be decoded will be represented by �)

  • It has correctly detected the CSV dialect (the delimiter used etc.)

  • The encoding, preamble and dialect together are stored in a Format object, which holds all the necessary parameters to parse the CSV file correctly with pandas or arrow

Using the detected CSV format, the data is parsed (using pyarrow’s csv.read_csv() under the hood). Note we have indicated to arrow to parse all columns using the string type, effectively turning off its internal type inference. We can use lector’s type inference by not specifying the types argument or selecting it explicitly:

tbl = lector.read_csv("example.csv")
tbl = lector.read_csv("example.csv", types=lector.Inference.Auto)  # equivalent

We see this results in the most appropriate type for each column:

id: uint64
category: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0>
metric: double
count: uint8
text: string

Notice that:

  • An unsigned int (uint64) was necessary to correctly represent all values in the id column. Had values been even larger than the maximum of the uint64 type, the values would have been converted to a categorical type (strings), rather than floats

  • The category column was automatically converted to the memory-efficient dictionary (categorical) type

  • The count column uses the smallest integer type necessary (uint8, unsigned since all values are positive)

  • The text column, containing natural language text, has not been converted to a categorical type, but kept as simple string values (it is unlikely to benefit from dictionary-encoding)

We could have relied on arrow’s built-in type inference instead, like so:

tbl = lector.read_csv("example.csv", types=lector.Inference.Native)

but this would result in less memory-efficient and even erroneous data types (see the pandas and pure arrow comparisons below).

Finally, if you need the CSV table in pandas, lector provides a little helper for correct conversion (again, pure arrow’s to_pandas(...) isn’t smart or flexible enough to use pandas extension dtypes for correct conversion). Use it as an argument to read_csv(...) or explicitly:

from lector.utils import to_pandas

df = lector.read_csv("example.csv", to_pandas=True)

# equivalent:
tbl = lector.read_csv("example.csv")
df = to_pandas(tbl)

Which outputs:

                    id category  metric  count  \
0      1234982348728374        a    0.10      1
1                  <NA>        b    0.12   <NA>
2  18446744073709551615        a    3.14      3

0                                               <NA>
1  Natural language text is different from catego...
2  The Project · Gutenberg » EBook « of Die Fürstin.

id            UInt64
category    category
metric       float64
count          UInt8
text          string
dtype: object

Note how nullable pandas extension dtypes are used to preserve correct integer values, where pure arrow would have used the unsafe float type instead.

Compared with pandas#

Trying to read CSV files like the above using pandas.read_csv(...) and default arguments only will fail (at least in pandas < 2.0). To find the correct arguments, you’ll have to open the CSV in a text editor and manually identify the separator and the initial lines to skip, and then try different encodings until you find one that seems to decode all characters correctly. But even if you then manage to read the CSV, the result may not be what you expected:

csv = """
Some metadata
Some more metadata
1234982348728374;a;0.1;1;"This is a text."
;b;0.12;;"Natural language text is different from categorical data."
9007199254740993;a;3.14;3;"The Project · Gutenberg » EBook « of Die Fürstin."

df = pd.read_csv(

results in:

            id  category   metric   count  \
0  1.234982e+15         a     0.10     1.0
1           NaN         b     0.12     NaN
2  9.007199e+15         a     3.14     3.0

0                                    This is a text.
1  Natural language text is different from catego...
2  The Project · Gutenberg » EBook « of Die Fürstin.

id          float64
category    object
metric      float64
count       float64
text        object

The category and text columns have been imported with the object dtype, which is not particularly useful, but not necessarily a problem either.

Note, however, that numeric-like columns with missing data have been cast to the float type. This may seem merely a nuisance in the case of the count column, which could easily be cast to a (nullable) integer type. It is, however, a big problem for the id column, since not all integers can be represented exactly by a 64 bit floating type:

>>> print(df.id.iloc[2])

which is not the value "9007199254740993" contained in our CSV file! We cannot cast this column to the correct type anymore either (e.g. int64 or string), because the original value is lost. It is also a sneaky problem, because you may not realize you’ve got wrong IDs, and may produce totally wrong analyses if you use them down the line for joins etc. The only way to import CSV files like this correctly is to inspect essentially all columns and all rows manually in a text editor, choose the best data type manually, and then provide these types via pandas dtype argument. This may be feasible if you work with CSVs only sporadically, but quickly becomes cumbersome otherwise.

Compared with arrow#

The arrow CSV reader unfotunately faces exactly the same limitations as pandas:

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.csv

csv = """
Some metadata
Some more metadata
;b;0.12;;"Natural language text is different from categorical data."
18446744073709551615;a;3.14;3;"The Project · Gutenberg » EBook « of Die Fürstin."

tbl = pa.csv.read_csv(
    read_options=pa.csv.ReadOptions(encoding="ISO-8859-1", skip_rows=3),


It needs the same level of human inspection to identify the correct arguments to read the CSV, and destructively casts IDs to floats (but at least uses a more efficient string type where applicable, in contrast to pandas object dtype):

id: double
category: string
metric: double
count: int64
text: string
id: [[1.234982348728374e+15,null,1.8446744073709552e+19]]
category: [["a","b","a"]]
metric: [[0.1,0.12,3.14]]
count: [[1,null,3]]
text: [[null,"Natural language text is different from categorical data.","The Project · Gutenberg » EBook « of Die Fürstin."]]


Again, the only way to ensure correctness of the parsed CSV is to not use arrow’s built-in type inference, but provide the desired type for each column manually.